On an earlier post I talked  about the super slow weight training routine I have been practicing for the past 2 1/2 years.  Doing this has made me a lot stronger both physically and mentally and it only takes 20 to 25 minutes from my already hectic week.   Not only is weight training beneficial for maintaining a healthy body shape but it is also essential for building stronger bones (especially as we get older) and a balanced physical and mental wellbeing.  Personally, I feel more productive and happy when I work out.  It empowers me and inspires me to empower others.  And why did I choose super slow?  Before doing this, I used to spend 2 or 3 hours per week at the gym, training with free weights and different types of weight lifting machines.   Even though I felt decently strong and in good shape, I struggled with finding the extra spare time and be consistent. As I mentioned before,  I  first learned about the super slow training from a cycling peer and now, my very good friend and coach, Mr. Gary Anger.  Once I gave this new weight lifting approach a try and continued practicing it for about a month, I was convinced that it was exactly what I needed.  Below are the six different weight lifting machines I do every week.   Basically, I do each exercise, very slowly until Gary tells me to stop (typically after around 3 minutes or so). Then, without resting, I jump to the next one until I am done.   I will admit that it is challenging and painful (yes it hurts!) but as Gary says to me, it is all about making both, the mind and body as strong as they can be.



More about Super Slow…

As stated by Gary, the super slow approach utilizes a very slow lifting speed which improves the recruitment of muscle fibers; enhancing muscular loading and improving workout effectiveness. performing the exercise in this slow discipline fashion results in less force on the body, thus making the exercise safe.  Gary says, “…realizing that our clients want to yield the greatest impact from their investment of time, we are focused on effectiveness and efficiency.”

Benefits of Super Slow:

  • Improved muscle tone and body shape
  • Increased Metabolism
  • Optimum Fat Loss
  • Greater Strength
  • Improved Cardiovascular Fitness and Health
  • Stronger Bones (prevent osteoporosis)
  • More Endurance, Stamina and Energy

Gary Anger is a certified Super Slow master instructor and owner of Lifetime Results, a licensed Super Slow facility.  If you want to learn more about Gary feel free to visit his website at www.lifetimeresults.com